Monday, March 22, 2010

Thing 2

I was really surprised how easy it was to create a blog! My initial thought about blogging is that I wonder how candid I will be willing to be, knowing my thoughts are out for all to see. I will keep this in mind as I continue to blog.

I can see where a class blog could help my communication with parents. I have all of their available email addresses programmed as a group and send message of general interest that way, answering individual questions as they come in. Sometimes the same question gets asked, and then I send out a notice to all. A blog would allow everyone to see all of the questions and answers, taking care of answering repeat questions before they even become questions! :-).

This would put responsibility on the parent to take time to look at the blog, which I think is fair, but not a sure thing. I also still meet parents every year that have no computer at home and no access at work. These are usually the folks I most need to talk to, and they also continue to be the most difficult to contact.


  1. What a great idea for how to use with parents. It makes sense that parents would have common questions asked, and then you'd feel like it's Ground hog day when responding. The blog would be a way to address that. Thanks for the great tip!

  2. Diane I agree fully. There are many parents who would benefit from reading a classroom blog and would use it to its full potential while there are other parents who might not do that, and usually it is the case that they are the ones that would benefit from it the most. However, I think if parents were willing to go to their public library at least once a week (goodness knows the students would benefit) they could use the computers there and have access to your blog. Just some food for thought!
