Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thing 17

I am a consummate list-maker whose paper lists sometimes go missing, so I decided to explore "Remember the Milk" - a list making and reminding tool. I created an account to explore, and found that it can manage tasks by sending reminders pretty much anywhere - emails, SMS, and instant messages. I liked that you can set up events using a calendar. You can also store notes with tasks to keep all of the pertinent info together and schedule events to occur on a regular schedule. There are even maps to refer to, in case the things on your list(s) require(s) locating a destination. In addition, one can share, send and publish tasks and lists to select contacts or to everyone, and the tool can be used on a web-enabled mobile device.

I don't forget obligations very often, but I think it would be convenient to remind myself with an IM or email to make sure I recall a due date. I've scheduled some reminding to occur this week, so we'll see how that goes. I also think it might help me keep track of an ongoing grocery list, which after several days at home, seems to have sprouted legs and walked away! I can't find it to add items and can't recall what items were already on the list! I also think it might help me with something like a list of things to do to begin the school year.

I liked the fact that it included different categories for lists - work, personal, study etc.- to help keep the lists organized. This seems like it might be a good tool for students because of the "Study" tab. We give assignment sheets for the week ahead on Fridays, so on the weekend, my students could schedule their homework assignments to fit into their personal schedule for the next week.


  1. I like you am a list maker, so I'm definitely going to have to check out "Remember the Milk." I like the idea you have about student use. For the tech savvy students who have access, it seems like a wonderful organization extra reminder to keep up with assignments, due dates, after school activities, and that can't be a bad thing :)

  2. Lists are life savers! The list maker would be a good tool for our ADD and ADHD students. Organization is a skill that they must learn. Lists are one of the survival skills.
